Osclass is your one-stop shop to building your own classifieds marketplace.Create a site with real estate ads, job listings, car classifieds, rentals, or just about anything you can imagine. With dozens of templates, themes and plugins, Osclass is fully customizable. Now you can manage your own Osclass installation in your server or use our fully hosted Osclass Free service.Standar app features:- Home with latest listings (premiums in slide and commons list)- Listings by category and sub-category navigation (List and Thumbnail view)- Search Filters- User Login / Logout- User Register ( optional: you can disable user registration by changing Users>User settings >users enabled in your osclass dashboard )- User Ads: registered users can create, edit and remove their listings.- User Favorites: registered users can create and remove favorites listings (important: osclass watchlist plugin is required)- Listing details: ads details, call to publisher, contact publisher form- App Share
Get more information at https://market.osclass.org/osclass-mobile-app-android-ios